
New didactic video games

2008/11/01 Solabarrieta Arrizabalaga, Danel - Elhuyar Zientziaren Komunikazioa Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

The Elhuyar Foundation has published experts in Geography and published on the Luna Armix. The geography expert CD-ROM follows the path of Brain Training fashion games. Lost on the Moon, Armix is a three-dimensional platform game.
New didactic video games
01/11/2008 | Solabarrieta Arrizabalaga, Danel | Elhuyar Edizioak
(Photo: Recent searches

The importance of games in the learning process has long been known, but in the case of video games it is clear that their educational possibilities have not yet been exploited. Pong, the first modern video game, was published in 1972 and Carl Sagan claimed it served to understand Newton's basic physics. Since then, the educational possibilities of video games have been increasingly exploited, and proof of this are the two CD-ROMs that Elhuyar has edited for young people between 7 and 10 years old.

Geography expert

This CD-ROM follows the way to play the trendy Brain Training games in society. The player must play different games and the points obtained are graphically represented so that the player can see their evolution. It also offers other resources such as mute maps.

Physical and political maps take centre stage in the games: maps of the world, maps of the five continents, maps of Spain, maps of France and maps of Euskal Herria.

With each of them, once chosen the level of difficulty, you can play in four games, placing toponyms, playing puzzle or writing places in Basque, following the advice of Euskaltzaindia. Therefore, the Elhuyar Foundation offers a wide range of fun games on geography, offering software increasingly known as edutainment.

Lost Shield on the Moon

This computer game can be classified among so-called 3D platform games. The main protagonist, Armix, will have to cross different scenarios of the Moon and overcome obstacles. Some of these barriers will be questions about language, mathematics and knowledge of the environment, and you will need to respond well to move forward. For example, with the photo of an animal you will have to find out if it is vertebrate or invertebrate.

This CD-ROM, the second in the Armix series, can be a very good gift. Both this game and the Geography expert have their own website (demo and video) where you can try:



Solabarrieta Arrizabalaga, Danel
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