
The key gene in the development of brain tumors has been identified

2017/05/16 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Ed. Afiller/Wikimedia Commons

Biodonostia OII researchers and doctors at Donostia University Hospital have jointly identified a key gene in malignant and at the same time more frequent brain cancers (SOX1), as announced in the journal Scientific Reports.

In fact, SOX1 is a transcription factor. The stem cell is related to the maintenance of adults and is often silenced in cancer, as it performs a defensive function in tumor cells. In other words, it acts as a removal tumor in several solid cancers. But the research team coordinated by Ander Matheu detected a high level of SOX1 in biopsy of certain tumors that cause low survival in patients. A significant increase in SOX1 levels has also been identified in a specific population of tumor cells responsible for the formation and progression of glioblastoma.

When researchers have silenced SOX1 in glioma cells, they detect that they lose all their malignant properties, including the ability to self-innovation and tumor activity.Therefore, they have concluded that the gene plays an oncogenic role in this type of cancer. The results of the study have allowed Biodonostia OII researchers to identify innovative strategies and propose to use the gene as a therapeutic objective and as a biomarker of stratification.

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